Finding your ideal mentor to support you on your journey through life, is one of the most important investments you could make, for your peace of mind. How many of us do this? We invest in our external appearance, we indulge in short term respite solutions, to help us to forget what we are feeling deep down inside. However, until we address the reasons for the disconnect, the void will consume all of our energy, on repeat, twenty four seven, three hundred and sixty five days. The hunger you feel is insatiable.
There are two tried and tested ways to bring order to this silent but pervasive encroachment, which threatens to destabilise all that you have been working towards. If you have found the solution, well done. If not keep reading for two important key insights:
1] For your personal development: you must first admit to yourself that there is a problem. You must then make a commitment to yourself to compare and contrast the best offers that you come across, or that you seek out. You must decide to follow the process and take responsibility for your results.
2] For your spiritual growth: which ever spiritual practice you follow, as long as it is a life affirming practice and you follow the rituals daily, this will be a great start. When you decide to make time to sit quietly to meditate to pray, to be in nature, to read spiritual texts, then you will be well on your way to making a big difference.
As part of our eco system of products and services we offer a nine month stress management program. This offer is available to new and existing clients. Our offer is geared towards professional women who have forgotten how to relax. Especially those who are experiencing the detrimental effects of stress, the silent killer.
Our program promises to help you, to help yourself, to find harmony in your life and peace where you stand. If you are ready to explore your options then register your interest by taking the scorecard survey and on completion you will gain access to a ten minute guided meditation CD free of charge. You must complete the questions for the free gift to be delivered to your inbox. Our calendar for enrolement opens every nine months. We select participants from our wait list on a first come basis. If you want to be considered as a client for this program of support, then register your interest to be informed of important updates.